Sunday, December 31, 2006

Grabbing Your Business Domain Name

Grab Your B2B or B2C Domain Name

The importance of getting your own B2B or B2C company domain name can not be overstated. Additionally, it is important to grab variations using, .net, .com, .org, .info, or others as your company gets more online exposure.

Read How We Snatched Our Domain Name

I think you will find some good insight into the world of Domain Names.


Thursday, February 09, 2006

Hijacking Domain Names

Interesting story is developing about certain registrars hijacking unregistered domain names.

I just registered a new domain name and was having difficulty pointing the new NS1 and NS2 Name Servers to the newly registered domain name. Name Servers (NS1, NS2, etc.) are a type of pointer that point to where the website is hosted. Apparently it takes some time once new name servers are created, for the NS1.Names and NS2. Names to propagate on the World Wide Web. So, I will have to wait a little while for the new name servers to be found before I can select the name servers in the domain name control panel area.

Now, here is where the story gets a little interesting. I decided to type in the name of the new domain name to see what comes up. Typically when someone types in a domain name that is unregistered the browser will return site not found or something like that.

When I typed in the new website and several other site variations, the browser returned a Financial Freedom Website. This seems very very strange and I wonder if this is allowed by ICANN in which an unregistered domain name be directed toward some other website.

My registrar found this very interesting also and is further checking out what is going on.

Web Marketing

Professional Web Services provides the 24/7 x 365 B2B and B2C technical and professional business sales and strategic marketing solution.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Auctioning Domain Names

I just recently heard about the secondary market for auctioning old domain names

Apparently there is such a demand for the expired domain names that registrars are now setting up a place to bid. The winner of the bid gets to have it.

Now, from a standpoint of hearing that, it sounds like a good idea. However, if someone has set out to get an expiring domain name using one of the services provided by the registrars and it is somewhat of a more visible domain name, is there financial insentive to hold off giving the expired name to the company requesting it? Could some of the unethical registrars actually buy the name themselves and then place it up for auction?

Certainly there have been large companies that buy thousands of expired domain names in order to try and gather the traffic flow from these sites. Eventually this traffic flow subsides, or if it does not subside, visitors will quickly click off the website when they see it is not what they wanted. Typically these types of websites have advertisments only with many links or copied text from others. The content value dimishes with the search engines over time. So, these companies spend their dollars continually scarfing up old website domains.

I am sure there are some ethical registrars that follow proper procedures and would not try to squeeze an individual or business. There probably is a code of ethics or ICANN maybe has some sort of procedure in place to help with Auctioning Domain Names.

Professional Web Services, Inc., Internet marketing services, online advertising strategies and website branding solutions to increase Web exposure for your business. The bottom line is more sales for your B2B or B2C business.

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